maka kalianlah berdua mukjizat hidupku
Tak pernah malu tak pernah ragu
berikan segala hanya untukku
Tanpa mengeluh dengan tersenyum
selalu hadir untukku
wali-wali dayya..
warhamhumma kamma
Rabbayani shaghira..
kamma rabbayani shaghira..
mohon ampuni ayah bunda..
sayangi mereka seperti
Mereka sayangi aku sejak kecil dahulu
I don't know what i'd do today
without them i'd think i'd lost in ways
even when i did screw'em, did disappoint'em, always
They'd spread their wings when I need to get back to ‘em,
so i pray,
Lord..maybe the hole world's just game to play
with Your words that only best thing we can say
Protect'em, Love'em, forgive'em and spoil'em
give what best for 'em, never hold what's good for 'em
Well i know they're still human
But for m’self they are more than superhuman
And when they did some bad
I know it’s more for what I did or I’ve said
And I know I can’t do much for ‘em
I won’t find a way to return the good they’ve done to me
Unless some words I stacked, I meant and I sent to You
while my kneel’s down and my head’s up to You,
Lord.. please, hear..
wali-wali dayya..
warhamhumma kamma
Rabbayani shaghira..
kamma rabbayani shaghira..
mohon ampuni ayah bunda..
sayangi mereka seperti
Mereka sayangi aku sejak kecil dahulu
wali-wali dayya..
warhamhumma kamma
Rabbayani shaghira..
kamma rabbayani shaghira..
Maka Tuhan mohon jadikan aku yang terbaik bagi mereka
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